Started putting the carpet and stuff in. I can't believe how much time it took just to put down the padding. I started to get the sound insulation but after looking at the cost I desided since GM and other manufactures don't use that much of it and only use it in key areas, that I would to. Picked up some insulation at a Rod shop in town. Cost was about $25 a roll. Got 4 rolls. I used every bit of it and still didn't get the roof done.

Pictures are a little burry. I got to start using a rest. Above picture is of the rear passenger side. Got the hole cut for the speaker.

Drivers side. Got padding all along the firewall. Any where there's carpet there's padding. I'm not going to put carpet along the side. I have plans for a leather covering.

Decent picture of the padding and carpet of the rear section. Still working on the door for the storage area.

Vintage Air Gen II system. Mounted it in the center and up against the fire wall. All electric unit. I purchased to heater deverters, and had to modify one so that it would go to the passenger side.

Here is the center section where the AC will go. I'm not going to put carpet here.

Passenger front. I'll have a huge storage area here when I'm done. A drawer will pull out and under it will be storage. Above the drawer will also be lockable storage.

Here you can see the support area for the body framing that intrudes the passenger area. I'll probably make a special cover for this.

I should have more pictures of the carpet installed and the AC being installed soon. I'll have the seats in too. Got to start on the wiring.

Stay tune.

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